Center for Justice Governance and Environmental Action
Mainstreaming human rights-based approach towards environmental protection of the marginalized and ignored communities found around extractive industries and highly toxic/hazardous sites. The mission statement has been realized through actions such as:-
- Supporting and creating space for its communities in their course to challenge the responsibility of the state and non state actors towards environment protection and access to socio-economic rights to eradicate poverty, injustice and inequality that surrounds communities around extractive Industries.
- Building capacities and awareness of community issues by organizing public picketing and media campaigns; and educating communities on local and international instruments available for advocacy e.g. through the dissemination of information, publications, media-work, campaigns and organising events etc.
- Participation in international networks and supporting communities to do the same.
- Influencing political decision-making that affects the creation of better policies and decision making on environmental issues.