Who We Are

Our Strategic Objectives

1. CJGEA will invest in influencing the environmental and social Justice decision making process of government towards sustainable decisions and its members will influence political and policy decision making in order to influence sustainable environmental governance in line with local, regional and international instruments in Kenya

2. CJGEA and our membership will work together to influence public opinion in Kenya and increase CJGEA's activities that promote environment and social economic justice.

3. CJGEA strengthens the capacity of its communities and membership to sustain all environmental movements.

Activities for achievement of strategic objectives:-

(i) Organise communities to form strong and sustainable environmental movement.

(ii) Empower local communities to protect their community rights and the environment from pollution and risky extractive activities.

(iii) Advocate for effective implementation of environmental laws and policies.

(iv) Challenge the responsibility of state and non state actors towards the protection of the right to a clean and healthy environment and socio economic rights of communities from individuals or businesses that pose a risk to their health and the environment.

(v) Raise and provide judicial precedents through environmental and socioeconomic class action litigation.

(vi) Advocate for safer spaces for Land and environment human rights defenders.

(vii) Leverage on media as a tool to influence public opinion.

Our Experts



Co-Founder and Executive Director

Tracy Anyango

Programs Officer

Ernest Tunje

Accounts and Admin officer
Center For Justice Governance And Environmental Action

Our Partners